

Daniel Lee
Electrical & Electronic Engineering

I am a 4th year MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering student, who has an interest in power systems and electronics as well as analogue circuitry and control systems. I am capable of programming in C++, F#, HTML, and have strong knowledge in the use of electrical circuit design software, like LTSpice, EAGLE and Cadence.





Boost SMPS Project - 2020

  • Simulated, designed and built Boost Switch Mode Power Supply.
  • LTSpice was used to do extensive circuit simulation with ideal and realisitc component properties.
  • Constructed a functioning and compact PCB for the Boost SMPS components to be mounted on.

F# Custom Language - 2020

  • Planned and implemented a custom programming language with a compiler in F#
  • Coded the lambda runtime for the compiler, whilst other teammates worked on the tokenizer, parser, and compiler interface.
  • The UI could compile and run basic recursive functions of the teams custom language.

PaintLabs Colour Detector - 2020

  • Constructed an IoT device, which could scan and send RGB colour information to a smartphone app.
  • Processed RGB data with a custom library our team designed for the sensor which converted the RGB to a hexadecimal colour value.
  • Linked this to a custom made app through MQTT protocol.

BagTrack - 2018/2019

  • Worked on a smart backpack designed to be trackable with mobile devices.
  • Collaborated on RFID tag design to track items within bag and give information back to user on their phone app.
  • Designed low power mode and zip sensor for the bag using magnets and a hall effect sensor.

EE Rover - 2017/2018

  • Aimed to produce a rover controlled wirelessly by an Arduino that could detect specific radio, magnetic, ultrasound and infrared signals.
  • Designed the rover's motor and power system as well as working on the Wi-Fi protocol for the remote control.
  • Maintained the budget as the treasurer of the group.

Work Experience

Atlantic Pacific - Summer 2020

  • Feasibility Research
  • Atlantic Pacific provide sustainable 'lifeboats in a box' for developing countries lacking proper equipment.
  • Collaberated in a team of other Imperial College students to provide solutions to making Atlantic Pacific's lifeboat container self-sustaining.
  • Prototyped a fuel quality sensor for the station's tank which uses an RGB sensor to detector changes in absorption of light through the fluid.
  • Assisted in the implementation of the web app to allow lifeboat crew to monitor their activity and record it on an online database.

Stockley Farm Partners - Summer 2018

  • Commercial Assistant
  • Performed a variety of tasks throughout my employment, which included: Running a burger shack, catering in the main cafĂ©, maintaining the stockroom and working the gift shop.
  • Trained as the tractor driver, which ferried visitors from the car park to the farm acting as a key part in welcoming the guests.
  • Gained valuable skills in customer service and managing myself under pressure whilst working a 9am-5pm job.

Sellafield Ltd - Spring 2016

  • Shadowing of Engineers
  • Shadowed multiple engineers of different disciplines, learned about their roles within the project and sat in on the weekly meeting, whilst receiving a technical insight into daily operations.
  • Observed the vault they were working on which was specially designed to withstand the radiation of the material being stored.
  • Participated in the progress inspection of the crane used in the vault offsite and was able to get a key understanding of the extra measures needed to radiation-proof all the technology used.


Imperial College London 2017-2021

Top Modules

First Year Average - 64.4%

  • Introduction to Signals & Communications, 65%
  • Software Engineering 1: Introduction to Computing, 65%
  • Semiconductor Devices, 64%
  • Digital Electronics 1, 63%

Second Year Average - 66.4%

  • Power Engineering, 84%
  • Algorithms & Data Structures, 81%
  • Devices, 79%
  • Analogue Electronics 2, 68%

Third Year Average - 67.0%

  • Analogue Integrated Circuits and Systems, 75%
  • Control Engineering, 73%
  • Corporate Finance, 68%
  • Embedded Systems, 66%

A-Level: Sir John Deans College 2015-2017

Chemistry, A*

Physics, A

Mathematics, A

Geography (AS), A

Further Mathematics (AS), A

GCSE:Bridgewater High School 2013-2015

Four GCSEs grade A*

Six GCSEs grade A

One GCSEs grade B